gaetk2.modelexporter module

This module provides functionality to write datastore Models or Queries to the client as XLS or CSV Files. Usage like this in your handler:

exporter = ModelExporter(ic_AuftragsPosition)
filename = '%s-%s.xls' % (compat.xdb_kind(ic_AuftragsPosition),
handler.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/msexcel'
handler.response.headers['content-disposition'] = \
    'attachment; filename=%s' % filename
# or:
# exporter.to_csv(handler.response)

Module contents

class gaetk2.modelexporter.ModelExporter(model, query=None, uid=u'', only=None, ignore=None, additional_fields=None, maxseconds=40)[source]

Bases: object

Export all entities of a Model as XLS, CSV.

  • model (ndb.Model) – Model to be exported, required.
  • query (ndb.Query or None) – Query to limit the records to be exported.
  • uid (str) – Encodes the person doing the Export in the Output.
  • only (list(str) or None) – List of Field-/Propertynames to export
  • ignore (list(str) or None) – List of Field-/Propertynames not to export
  • additional_fields (list(str) or None) – The priority of the message, can be a number 1-5
  • maxseconds (int) – Truncate exporting after this many seconds.

Intatiate a ModelExporter and call to_xls() or to_csv() to get an export of the Entities on Disk.

ModelExporter can also be used to create a automated tabular HTML view like in the admin interfave or in the ListViewer.


Property with list of files to export.

Can be overwritten. Current implementation is cached.

create_header(output, fixer=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Generates one or more header rows in output.

Can be overwritten.

create_row(output, data, fixer=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Generates a single output row.

Can be overwritten.


Generates an outputstream from fileobj.

Can be overwritten to change the csv.writer csv.writer options.


Generate CSV in fileobj.

Overwrite create_csvwriter() to change CSV Style.


generate XLS in fileobj