Frontend Guidelines

See gaetk2.handers.base.BasicHandler for generic Template Variables etc. See the `templatetags`_ Document for filters available in your Jinja2 Templates.

Frontends are assumed to be generated using Jinja2 and Bootstrap 4. All displayed content is based in templates/gaetk_base_bs4.html

The usual approach is to generate one Template inherited from gaetk_base_bs4.html for your app where you set defaults an then inherit in all your actual templates from that and only overwrite maincontent.

So for example your base_myapp.html looks like this:

{% extends "gaetk_base_bs4.html" %}
{% block header %}
 My Cool Navbar
{% endblock %}
{% block secondarycontent %}
<div class="card" style="width: 18rem;">
<div class="card-body">
  <p class="card-text">navigation, current news</p>
{% endblock secondarycontent %}

The individual templates then just inherit from base_myapp.html:

{% extends "base_bs4.html" %}
{% block maincontent %}
Here are our most recent offers:
{% endblock maincontent %}

The main structure of the layout look like this:

Available blocks to overwrite:

  • maincontent - where the content of your app lives. <h1>{{title}}</h1> is displayed above it. (The <h1> and title can be overwritten with {% block title %})
  • secondarycontent - sidebar style content to the right.
  • header - usually filled with the auto-generated navbar. To hide it, use {% block header %}{% endblock header %}.
  • footer - below maincontent and secondarycontent.
  • page basically overwrites header, <h1>{{title}}</h1>, maincontent and secondarycontent leaving only footer.


If you add something like this to your template Variables:

breadcrumbs = [('Market', '/'), (kundennr, '#'), (u'Aufträge', '#')]

There will be a list of breadcrumbs rendered above the Title.


Snippets are gaetk2’s stab at simple CMS functionality. You still write hardcoded HTML-Templates. But inside you can insert parts editable by your staff in the browser without the need to update the application.

This happens by adding show_snippet template tags:

{{ show_snippet('welcome') }}

When the resulting page is rendered there will be no text because the snippet has no content so far. But there should be an edit icons.

If you click on it you will be redirected to an editing page where you can change the Snippet. You can also provide a default text to be used for initial snippet content:

{{ show_snippet('welcome', 'Welcome to our Site!') }}


  • insert show_snippet into template contest to make it usable
  • remove pagedown_bootstrap and replace it with something usable

Progressive enhancements


  • gaetkenhance-confirm, table
  • ChiqView
  • Breadcrumbs with hooks

Best Practices

No Tables for Definition Lists

Don’t use Tables for non tabular Data. dl-horizontal (Bootstrap 3) is way to go. In Bootstrap 4 the Markup is somewhat convoluted:

<dl class="row">
  <dt class="col-3">AuftragsNr</dt>
  <dd class="col-9">{{ a.auftragsnr }}</dd>

  <dt class="col-3">Auftragsdatum / Status</dt>
  <dd class="col-9">{{ a.eingegangen_am|dateformat }} / {{ a.nicestatus }}</dd>

Table Styling

Tagles we usually style with class="table table-striped table-sm". For large rows like Product Listing with Images we use class="table table-hover".