gaetk2.jinja_filters module - template filters

These filters do a lot of formatting and conversion. They are Build with German localisation and HTML in mind to extend Jinja’s own filters

Use them like this in your templates:

{{ body|markdown }}
<div class="{{ obj.designator|cssencode }}">

If you use gaetk2.handlers these filters are made available automatically. If not youncan include them via register_custom_filters().

Services provided

Access Control

These Access Control filters are somewhat more involved because they need the cooperation of the rest of gaetk2. They are meant to show certain parts of a template only to certain users.

See gaetk2.handler.base.is_staff() and gaetk.models.gaetk_Credential for further Reference.

  • onlystaff() - display content only if the currently logged in user is_staff().


This functionality is not finalized so far.


Ensure a variable is a valid value for CSS, URL, XML attribute.

See also urlencode, escape, xmlattr and tojson in jinja2.



User-Readable Number formatting. All of these assume you are outputting HTML.


Many of these functions are most relevant for settings where you have <pre>> or want to reach a similar effect in HTML.

See also urlize, indent and center in jinja2.

Boolean-Formatting (and None)

Displaying Booleans with the ability to distinguish between (True, False, None).

  • yesno() - output yes, no, maybe
  • onoff() - unse Font Awesome icons to display boolean
  • none() - Supress None output. See also default in jinja2.

Datastore Protocol

gaetk2 has certain conventions how to structure your datastore models when followed certain things work automagically.


  • plural() - Pluralize (works for German).

GAETK1 Compability

  • datetime has been renamed to datetimeformat.
  • to_json is gone, use tojson in jinja2 2.9.
  • urlencode is gone, use urlencode in jinja2 2.7. the urlencode provided by jinja has much more features than we had.
  • attrencode is gone, use xmlattr in jinja2 2.9.
  • generally we now return only Unicode Plain Text, no HTML. nicenum, eurocent``and ``g2kg are changed by that.
  • the urlencode provided by jinja2

Module contents

gaetk2.jinja_filters.authorize(ctx, value, permission_types, tag=None)[source]

Display content only if the current logged in user has a specific permission.

This means if all strings in permission_types occur in credential.permissions.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.onlystaff(ctx, value, tag=None)[source]

Display content only if the current logged in user is_staff().

This tag generatyes HTML. If you don’t wan’t HTML use this construct:

{% if is_staff() %}Internal Info{% endif %}

The Tag encloses content in a <span> or <div> depending on it’s contents:

{{ "bla"|onlystaff }}
<!-- is rendered to: -->
<span class="gaetk_onlystaff">bla</span>

{% filter onlystaff %}
    <form  ...></form>
{% endfilter %}
<!-- is rendered to: -->
<div class="gaetk_onlystaff">
    <form ...></form>

{% filter onlystaff %}
    <i>test text</i>
{% endfilter %}
<!-- is rendered to: -->
<span class="gaetk_onlystaff"><i>test text</i></span>

If you not happy with how the filter chooses between <span> and <div> you can provide a tag to be used. Or you can provide empty data to avoid all markup:

{% filter onlystaff('p') %}
    <i>test text</i>
{% endfilter %}
<!-- is rendered to: -->
<p class="gaetk_onlystaff">bla</p>

{% filter onlystaff('') %}
{% endfilter %}
<!-- is rendered to: -->

Automatic detection does not work perfectly within tables. Your milage may vary.

If the user is not staff an empty tag is generated:

{% filter onlystaff %}
{% endfilter %}
<!-- is rendered to: -->
<span class="gaetk_onlystaff-denied"><!-- !is_staff() --></span>

{% filter onlystaff('') %}
{% endfilter %}
<!-- is rendered to: (nothing) -->

Makes a string valid as an CSS class name.

This ensured only valid characters are used and the class name starts with an character. This is enforced by prefixing CSS if the string does not start with an character:

<div class="{{ 5711|cssencode }} {{ 'root beer'|cssencode }}">
>>> '<div class="CSS5711 root-beer">'
gaetk2.jinja_filters.dateformat(value, formatstring=u'%Y-%m-%d', nonchar=u'')[source]

Formates a date.

Tries to convert the given value to a date object and then formats it according to formatstring:

{{|dateformat }}
{{ "20171224"|dateformat('%Y-%W') }}
gaetk2.jinja_filters.datetimeformat(value, formatstring=u'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', nonchar=u'')[source]

Formates a datetime.

Tries to convert the given value to a datetime object and then formats it according to formatstring:

{{|datetimeformat }}
{{ "20171224T235959"|datetimeformat('%H:%M') }}
gaetk2.jinja_filters.tertial(value, nonchar=u'\u2400')[source]

Change a Date oder Datetime-Objekt into a Tertial-String.

Tertials are third-years as opposed to quater years:

{{ "20170101"|tertial }} {{ "20170606"|tertial }} {{ "20171224"|tertial }}
>>> "2017-A" "2017-B" "2017-C"
gaetk2.jinja_filters.nicenum(value, spacer=u'\u202f', nonchar=u'\u2400')[source]

Format the given number with spacer as delimiter, e.g. 1 234 456.

Default spacer is NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE U+202F. Probably style=”white-space:nowrap; word-spacing:0.5em;” would be an CSS based alternative.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.intword(value, nonchar=u'\u2400')[source]

Converts a large integer to a friendly text representation.

Works best for numbers over 1 million. For example, 1000000 becomes ‘1.0 Mio’, 1200000 becomes ‘1.2 Mio’ and ‘1200000000’ becomes ‘1200 Mio’.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.eurocent(value, spacer=u'\u202f', decimalplaces=2, nonchar=u'\u2400')[source]

Format the given cents as Euro with spacer as delimiter, e.g. ‘1 234 456.23’.

Obviously works also with US$ and other 100-based. currencies.

This is like :func:nicenum. Use decimalplaces=0 to cut of cents, but even better use :func:euroword.

Default spacer is NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE U+202F. Probably style=”white-space:nowrap; word-spacing:0.5em;” would be an CSS based alternative.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.euroword(value, plain=False, nonchar=u'\u2400')[source]

Fomat Cents as pretty Euros.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.g2kg(value, spacer=u'\u202f', nonchar=u'\u2400')[source]

Wandelt meist g in kg um, aber auch in andere Einheiten.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.percent(value, nonchar=u'\u2400')[source]

Fomat Percent and handle None.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.iban(value, spacer=u'\u202f', nonchar=u'\u2400')[source]

Format the given string like an IBAN Account Number.

Default spacer is NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE U+202F.


{{ "DE77123413500000567844"|iban }}
DE77 1234 1350 0000 5678 44

Renders a string as Markdown.

{{ value|markdown }}

We are using markdown2 to do the rendering.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.nl2br(eval_ctx, value)[source]

Newlines in <br/>-Tags konvertieren.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.left_justify(value, width)[source]

Prefix the given string with spaces until it is width characters long.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.right_justify(value, width)[source]

Postfix the given string with spaces until it is width characters long.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.yesno(value, answers=u'yes, no, maybe')[source]

Output a text based on Falsyness, Trueyness and is None.

{{ value|yesno:”yeah,nope,maybe” }}.

Display Boolean as Font Awesome Icon Icon darstellen.

We use Font Awesome toogle-on and toogle-of to indicate state.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.none(value, nonchar=u'')[source]

Converts None to ''.

Similar to |default('', true) in jinja2 but more explicit.


Link like this: <a href=”obj.url”>obj.designator</a>.

gaetk2.jinja_filters.datastore(entity, attr=None, value=None, text=None)[source]

Generate HTML a-Tag to Google Datastore Query.

{{ credential|datastore }} -> queries for key {{ credential|datastore(‘email’) }} -> queries for email {{ credential|datastore(‘name’, ‘’) }} -> queries for == ‘’ {{ credential|datastore(text=’Search in Datastore’) }} -> changes Link-Text
gaetk2.jinja_filters.plural(value, singular_str, plural_str)[source]

Return value with singular or plural form.

{{ l|length|plural('Items', 'Items') }}


Register the filters to the given Jinja environment.