Source code for gaetk2.wsgi

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
gaetk2.wsgi - WSGI Middlewares.

Created by Maximillian Dornseif on 2018-01-11.
Copyright (c) 2018 Maximillian Dornseif. MIT Licensed.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

# =======
# since we are imported by `` we can not use
# gaetk2.config.gaetkconfig at module level because this
# wants to read from via `lib_config`
import logging

    # if mixing gaetk1 and gaetk2 we need to use the same module
    # to get the rifght thread local storage
    from gaetk import gaesessions
    from gaetk2 import _gaesessions as gaesessions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def wrap_errorhandling(application): """If Sentry is to be activated wrap the app in it.""" # We use a Sentry WSGI Middleware to catch erros which are not # handled by the framework. Usually higher layers should catch # and display errors. import from gaetk2.config import gaetkconfig from raven.middleware import Sentry if not gaetkconfig.SENTRY_DSN: return application return Sentry(application,
[docs]def wrap_session(application): """Put gaesession around the app.""" from gaetk2.config import gaetkconfig return gaesessions.SessionMiddleware( application, cookie_key=gaetkconfig.SECRET, ignore_paths='^/(hua|static|asserts)/.*' )
[docs]def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(application): """Called with each WSGI application initialisation. The most common usage pattern is to just import it in ````:: from gaetk2.wsgi import webapp_add_wsgi_middleware """ # initialize Sentry logging if configured and not development import gaetk2.config import if not gaetk2.config.is_development(): application = wrap_session(application) if not gaetk2.config.is_development(): application = wrap_errorhandling(application) return application