Source code for gaetk2.resttestlib

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
DSL zur Beschreibung von REST-interfaces, angelehnt an

File created by Philipp Benjamin Koeppchen on 2011-02-23
Copyright (c) 2011, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018 HUDORA. MIT Licensed.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import codecs
import concurrent.futures
import json
import logging
import optparse
import os
import random
import sys
import time
import urlparse
import xml.dom.minidom

from collections import Counter
from functools import partial

import requests

from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RESET_SEQ = '\033[0m'
COLOR_SEQ = '\033[1;%dm'


# save slowest access to each URL
slowstats = Counter()
traceids = {}

if False:
    # these two lines enable debugging at httplib level (requests->urllib3->httplib)
    # you will see the REQUEST, including HEADERS and DATA, and RESPONSE with HEADERS but without DATA.
    # the only thing missing will be the response.body which is not logged.
    import httplib
    httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1
    requests_log = logger.getLogger('requests.packages.urllib3')
    requests_log.propagate = True

[docs]def create_testclient_from_cli(default_hostname, users): """ Creates a Testclient with it's arguments from the Commandline. the CLI understands the options, --hostname, --credentials-user, their default values are taken from this functions args default_hostname: hostname, on wich to run tests, if none is provided via CLI returns a `TestClient` """ parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '-H', '--hostname', dest='hostname', help='Hostname, on which the tests should be run', default=default_hostname) parser.add_option( '-u', '--credentials-user', dest='users', action='append', default=[], help='user credentials for HTTP Basic Auth') parser.add_option( '-d', '--debug', dest='debug', default=False, action='store_true') opts, args = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.error('positional arguments are not accepted') if os.environ.get('RESTTESTHOST'): default_hostname = os.environ.get('RESTTESTHOST') # Das `or` sorgen dafür, dass --option='' als 'nicht angegeben' gewertet wird, siehe aufruf im Makefile. if users is None: users = [] if opts.users: users.extend(opts.users) client = TestClient(opts.hostname or default_hostname, users=users, debug=opts.debug) return client
[docs]class TestClient(object): """Hilfsklasse zum Ausfuehren von HTTP-Requests im Rahmen von Tests.""" def __init__(self, host, users, debug=False): self.debug = debug = host self.authdict = {} self.responses = [] self.protocol = 'https' self.sessions = {None: requests.Session()} self.sessions[None].trust_env = False # avoid reading .netrc! self.queue = [] # contains URLs to be checked, kwargs, and checks to be done self.urlfile ='.resttest-urls.txt', 'w', encoding='utf8') # for JavaScript Tests self.curlfile ='.resttest-curl.txt', 'w', encoding='utf8') # for Postman Tests for user in users: key, creds = user.split('=', 1) self.add_credentials(key, creds)
[docs] def add_credentials(self, auth, creds): """Stellt dem Client credentials zur Verfügung, die in GET genutzt werden können. auth: key der Credentials creds: HTTP-Credentials in der Form 'username:password' """ self.authdict[auth] = creds self.sessions[auth] = requests.Session()
[docs] def GET(self, path, auth=None, accept=None, headers={}, **kwargs): # NOQA pylint: disable=N0802 """Führt einen HTTP-GET auf den gegebenen [path] aus. Nutzt dabei ggf. die credentials zu [auth] und [accept].""" if isinstance(auth, list): raise ValueError('unsuitable auth %r' % auth) if auth and auth not in self.authdict: raise ValueError("Unknown auth '%s'" % auth) self.cloudtrace = '%032x' % (random.getrandbits(128)) myheaders = { 'User-Agent': 'resttest/%s' % requests.utils.default_user_agent(), 'X-Cloud-Trace-Context': '%s/0;o=1' % self.cloudtrace} if accept: myheaders['Accept'] = accept myheaders.update(headers) url = urlparse.urlunparse((self.protocol,, path, '', '', '')) start = time.time() self.sessions[auth].cookies.clear() if self.authdict.get(auth): r = self.sessions[auth].get( url, headers=myheaders, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(*self.authdict.get(auth).split(':')), timeout=300, **kwargs) else: r = self.sessions[auth].get( url, headers=myheaders, timeout=300, **kwargs) duration = int((time.time() - start) * 1000) slowstats[url] = duration response = Response(self, 'GET:%s' % auth, url, r.status_code, r.headers, r.content, duration, r) self.responses.append(response) self.curlfile.write(_to_curl(r.request) + '\n') return response
# New API
[docs] def check(self, *args, **kwargs): # see typ = kwargs.pop('typ', '').lower() for url in args: path = urlparse.urlparse(url).path if typ == 'json' or path.endswith('json'): checkers = [_responds_json] elif path.endswith('.pdf'): checkers = [_responds_pdf] elif path.endswith(('.xml', '/xml/')): checkers = [_responds_xml] elif path.endswith(('.csv', '/csv/', '/xls/', '.xls')): checkers = [_responds_basic] elif path.endswith('jpeg'): checkers = [_responds_jpeg] elif typ == 'txt' or path.endswith('txt'): checkers = [_responds_plaintext] else: checkers = [_responds_html] self.urlfile.write(url + '\n') self.queue.append((url, kwargs, checkers))
[docs] def check_allowdeny(self, *args, **kwargs): allow = kwargs.get('allow', []) if 'allow' in kwargs: del kwargs['allow'] deny = kwargs.get('deny', []) if 'deny' in kwargs: del kwargs['deny'] assert len(allow) + len(deny) > 0 # IRGENDWAS muessen wir ja testen for auth in allow: self.check(*args, auth=auth, **kwargs) for auth in deny: # 40x detection is messy, because `login: admin` in app.yaml # results in redirects to a 200 myargs = dict(allow_redirects=False, auth=auth) myargs.update(kwargs) for url in args: self.queue.append((url, myargs, [_responds_4xx]))
[docs] def check_redirect(self, *args, **kwargs): for urldict in args: fromurl = urldict.get('url') del urldict['url'] tourl = urldict.get('to') del urldict['to'] myargs = dict(allow_redirects=False) myargs.update(kwargs) myargs.update(urldict) self.queue.append((fromurl, myargs, [partial(_responds_redirect, to=tourl)]))
[docs] def check_statuscode(self, *args, **kwargs): statuscode = kwargs.get('statuscode') if 'statuscode' in kwargs: del kwargs['statuscode'] def responds_closure(response): response._expect_condition( response.status == statuscode, 'expected status statuscode, got %s' % response.status) for url in args: self.queue.append((url, kwargs, [responds_closure]))
[docs] def run_checks(self, max_workers=MAX_WORKERS): """run queued checks.""" with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: futures = {} while self.queue: url, kwargs, checkers = self.queue.pop() futures[executor.submit(self._check_helper, checkers, url, **kwargs)] = url for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): # exceptions occure here try: future.result() sys.stdout.flush() except: print(futures[future]) sys.stdout.flush() raise finished, not_done = concurrent.futures.wait(futures) if not_done: print('unfinished:', not_done)
def _check_helper(self, checkers, url, **kwargs): response = self.GET(url, **kwargs) for checker in checkers: checker(response) return '%s:%s' % (kwargs.get('auth'), url) @property def errors(self): """Anzahl der fehlgeschlagenen Zusicherungen, die für Anfragen dieses Clients gefroffen wurden.""" return sum(r.errors for r in self.responses)
def _colored(text, color): """Färbt den Text mit Terminalsequenzen ein. >>> colored('whatever', RED) '\033[1;32mwhatever\033[0m' # wuerde dann in rot erscheinen, wenn man es ausgibt """ start = COLOR_SEQ % (FOREGROUND + color) return start + text + RESET_SEQ
[docs]class Response(object): """Repräsentiert das Ergebnis einer REST-Anfrage. Mittels responds_* koennen zusicherungen geprueft werden: r.responds_http_status(200) r._responds_html() """ def __init__(self, client, method, url, status, headers, content, duration, response): self.client = client self.method = method self.url = url self.status = status self.headers = headers self.content = content self.errors = 0 self.duration = duration self.response = response def _fail(self, message): """Negatives Ergebnis einer Zusicherung.""" self.errors += 1 url = self.url if self.response.url != url: url = '%r (->%r)' % (url, self.response.url) out = '%s %s -> %s: %s' % (self.method, url, _colored('FAIL', RED), message) print(out, file=sys.stderr) if self.response.history: for hres in self.response.history: print('->', hres.url) print(_to_curl(self.response.request)) # if 'X-Cloud-Trace-Context' in self.headers: # print ('' # % self.headers['X-Cloud-Trace-Context'].split(';')[0]) print() def _succeed(self, message): """Positives Ergebnis einer Zusicherung.""" if self.client.debug: print('%s %s -> %s: %s' % (self.method, self.url, _colored('SUCCESS', GREEN), message)) def _expect_condition(self, condition, message): """sichert eine boolsche Bedingung zu. sollte nicht direkt aufgerufen werden""" if not self.errors: if not condition: self._fail(message) else: self._succeed(message) # else: ignore # high-level-beschreibungen
[docs] def responds_normal(self): """Sichert zu, dass ein Dokument gefunden wurde.""" self.responds_http_status(200)
[docs] def responds_not_found(self): """Sichert zu, dass kein Dokument gefunden wurde.""" self.responds_http_status(404) return self
[docs] def responds_access_denied(self): """Sichert zu, dass der Zugriff verweigert wurde.""" self.responds_http_status(401) return self
[docs] def responds_forbidden(self): """Sichert zu, dass der Zugriff verweigert wurde.""" self.responds_http_status(403) return self
[docs] def responds_with_content_location(self, expected_location): """Sichert zu, dass die Antwort einen location-header hat.""" content_location = self.headers.get('content-location', '') self._expect_condition( content_location.endswith(expected_location), 'expected content-location to end with %r, got %r.' % (expected_location, content_location)) return self
# low-level-beschreibungen der erwartungen
[docs] def responds_http_status(self, expected_status): """sichert zu, dass mit dem gegebenen HTTP-status geantwortet wurde.""" self._expect_condition( self.status == expected_status, 'expected status %s, got %s' % (expected_status, self.status)) return self
[docs] def responds_content_type(self, expected_type): """sichert zu, dass mit dem gegebenen Content-Type geantwortet wurde.""" actual_type = self.headers.get('content-type') # evtl wird dem contenttype ein encoding nachgestellt, dies soll abgetrennt werden actual_type = actual_type.split(';')[0] self._expect_condition( actual_type == expected_type, 'expected content type %r, got %r' % (expected_type, actual_type)) return self
[docs] def converter_succeeds(self, converter, message): """Sichert zu, dass content mittels converter(self.content) ohne exception konvertiert werden kann.""" if not self.errors: try: converter(self.content) except Exception: self._fail(message) else: self._succeed(message)
def _responds_json(response): """sichert zu, dass die Antwort ein well-formed JSON-Dokument war.""" response.responds_http_status(200) response.responds_content_type('application/json') response.converter_succeeds(json.loads, 'expected valid json') def _responds_xml(response): """sichert zu, dass die Antwort ein well-formed XML-Dokument war.""" response.responds_http_status(200) response.responds_content_type('application/xml') response.converter_succeeds(xml.dom.minidom.parseString, 'expected valid xml') def _responds_plaintext(response): """sichert zu, dass die Antwort plaintext war.""" response.responds_http_status(200) response.responds_content_type('text/plain') def _responds_pdf(response): """sichert zu, dass die Antwort ein well-formed PDF-Dokument war.""" response.responds_http_status(200) response.responds_content_type('application/pdf') # .startswith('%PDF-1') def _responds_jpeg(response): """sichert zu, dass die Antwort ein JPEG""" response.responds_http_status(200) response.responds_content_type('image/jpeg') # .startswith('%PDF-1') def _responds_basic(response): """sichert zu, dass die Antwort einen vernünftigen Statuscode hat.""" response.responds_http_status(200) def _responds_html(response): """sichert zu, dass die Antwort ein HTML war.""" response.responds_http_status(200) response.responds_content_type('text/html') # TODO: delayed HTML validation # response.responds_with_valid_html() # todo: links responds_with_valid_links def _responds_4xx(response): """sichert zu, dass die Antwort ein Denial war.""" # 40x detection is messy, because `login: admin` in app.yaml # results in redirects to a 302 if response.status == 302: # we now generally handle 302 as a form of denial return # response._expect_condition( # response.headers.get('location').startswith( # ''), # 'expected status 302 redirect to google') else: response._expect_condition( response.status >= 400 and response.status < 500, 'expected status 4xx, got %s' % response.status) def _responds_redirect(response, to=None): """sichert zu, dass die Antwort umleitet.""" # oder location = self.response.url location = urlparse.urlparse(response.headers.get('location', '/')).path response._expect_condition( (300 <= response.status < 400) and location.startswith(to), 'expected redirect to %r, got %r:%r' % ( to, response.response.status_code, location)) def _to_curl(request): """From""" headers = ["'{}: {}'".format(k, v) for k, v in request.headers.items()] headers = ' -H '.join(sorted(headers)) command = "curl -i -X {method} -H {headers} -d '{data}' '{uri}'".format( data=request.body or '', headers=headers, method=request.method, uri=request.url, ) return command