Source code for gaetk2.handlers.base

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""gaetk2.handlers.base - default Request Handler for gaetk2.

Created by Maximillian Dornseif on 2010-10-03.
Copyright (c) 2010-2019 HUDORA. All rights reserved.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import inspect
import logging
import os
import os.path
import time
import urlparse
import warnings

from google.appengine.api import memcache
from google.appengine.api import users
from google.appengine.api.app_identity import get_application_id

import jinja2
import webapp2

from gaetk2 import exc
from gaetk2 import jinja_filters
from gaetk2.config import gaetkconfig
from gaetk2.config import get_release
from gaetk2.config import is_development
from gaetk2.config import is_production
from import hujson2
from import introspection
from import sentry_client

    # if mixing gaetk1 and gaetk2 we need to use the same module
    # to get the rifght thread local storage
    from gaetk import gaesessions
    from gaetk2 import _gaesessions as gaesessions

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_jinja_env_cache = None

# Your app usually will extend a `BasicHandler` or `DefaultHandler`
# (for added authentication). These based on
# [webapp2.RequestHandler](
# See [The webapp2 Guide](
# for an introduction.

[docs]class BasicHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): """Generic Handler functionality. You usually overwrite :meth:`get()` or :meth:`post()` and call :meth:`render()` in there. See :ref:`gaetk2.handlers` for examples. For Returning Data to the user you can access the `self.response` object or use :meth:`return_text` and :meth:`render`. See :meth:`get_jinja2env` to understand the jinja2 context being used. Helper functions are :meth:`abs_url()` and :meth:`is_production`. See Also: :meth:`is_sysadmin`, :meth:`is_staff` and :meth:`has_permission` are meant to work with :class:`~gaetk2.handlers.authentication.AuthenticationReaderMixin` for ``self.request`` see `webapp2 Documentation < #common-request-attributes>`_ Attributes: request: See webapp2 documentation credential: authenticated user, see :class:`~gaetk2.handlers.authentication.AuthenticationReaderMixin` session: current session which is based on default_cachingtime (None or int): Class Variable. Which cache headers to generate, see :meth:`_set_cache_headers`. Note: gaetk2 adds various variables to the template context. Other mixins provide additional template variables. See the Index :ref:`genindex` under "Template Context" to get an overview. These :index:`Template Variables <Template Context>` are provided: * :index:`request <Template Context; request>` * :index:`credential <Template Context; credential>` * :index:`is_staff <Template Context; is_staff>` (self.is_staff()) * :index:`is_sysadmin <Template Context; is_sysadmin>` (self.is_sysadmin()) * :index:`gaetk_production <Template Context; gaetk_production>` (is_production()) * :index:`gaetk_development <Template Context; gaetk_development>` (is_development()) * :index:`gaetk_release <Template Context; gaetk_development>` (get_release()) * :index:`gaetk_app_name <Template Context; gaetk_app_name>` (gaetkconfig.APP_NAME) * :index:`gaetk_gae_version <Template Context; gaetk_gae_version>` (CURRENT_VERSION_ID) * :index:`gaetk_sentry_dsn <Template Context; gaetk_app_name>` (gaetkconfig.APP_NAME) * :index:`gaetk_logout_url <Template Context; gaetk_logout_url>` * :index:`gaetk_path <Template Context; gaetk_path>` (self.request.path) .. _handler-hook-mechanism: Warning: :class:`BasicHandler` implements a rather unusual way to implement Multi-Inherance/Mix-Ins. Instead of insisting that every parent class and everty Mix-In implements all possible methods and calls super on them :class:`BasicHandler` uses a custom dispatch mechanism which calls all methods in all parent and sibling classes. The following functions are called on all parent and sibling classes: * :meth:`pre_authentication_hook`. * :meth:`authentication_preflight_hook`. * :meth:`authentication_hook`. * :meth:`authorisation_hook`. * :meth:`method_preperation_hook`. * :meth:`finished_hook` - called even if a :exc:`exc.HTTPException` < 500 occurs. :meth:`build_context` is special because the output is "chained". So the rendering is done with something like the output of ``Child.build_context(Parent.build_context(MixIn.build_context({})))`` :meth:`response_overwrite` and :meth:`finished_overwrite` can be overwritten to provide special functionality like in :class:`JsonBasicHandler`. You are encouraged to study the source code of :class:`BasicHandler`! """ default_cachingtime = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize RequestHandler.""" self.credential = None self.session = {} self._last_template_exception = None # Careful! `webapp2.RequestHandler` does not call super()! super(BasicHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # ... so we route arround that super(webapp2.RequestHandler, self).__init__() # helper methods
[docs] def abs_url(self, url): """Converts an relative into an qualified absolute URL. Args: url (str): an path to a web resource. Returns: str: A fully qualified url. Example: >>> BasicHandler().abs_url('/foo') '' """ if self.request: return urlparse.urljoin(self.request.uri, url) return urlparse.urljoin(os.environ.get('HTTP_ORIGIN', ''), url)
[docs] def is_sysadmin(self): """Checks if the current user is logged in as a SysOp/SystemAdministrator. We use various souces to deterine the Status of the user. Returns `True` if: * google.appengine.api.users.is_current_user_admin() * the request came from `` local address * `self.credential.sysadmin == True` Returns: boolean: the status of the currently logged in user. """ # Google App Engine Administrators if users.is_current_user_admin(): return True # Requests from localhost (on dev_appserver) are always admin if self.request.remote_addr == '': return True # User with Admin permissions via Credential entities if not hasattr(self, 'credential'): return False elif self.credential is None: return False return getattr(self.credential, 'sysadmin', False)
[docs] def is_staff(self): """Returns if the current user is considered internal. This means he has access to not only his own but to all settings pages, etc. * :meth:`is_sysadmin` * `self.credential.staff == True` Returns: boolean: the status of the currently logged in user is considered internal. """ if self.is_sysadmin(): return True elif self.credential is None: return False return getattr(self.credential, 'staff', False)
[docs] def has_permission(self, permission): """Checks if user has a given permission.""" if self.credential: return permission in self.credential.permissions return False
[docs] def render(self, values, template_name): """Render a Jinja2 Template and write it to the client. If rendering takes an unusual long time this is logged. Parameters: values (dict): variables for template context. template_name (str): name of the template to render. See Also: :meth:`build_context()`also provides data to the template context and is often extended by plugins. See :class:`BasicHandler` docsting for standard template variables. """ start = time.time() self._render_to_fd(values, template_name, self.response.out) delta = time.time() - start if delta > 500: LOGGER.warn('rendering took %d ms', (delta * 1000.0))
[docs] def return_text( self, text, status=200, content_type='text/plain', encoding='utf-8' ): """Quick and dirty sending of some plaintext to the client. Parameters: text (str or unicode): Data to be sent to the cliend. A NEWLINE is appended. status (int): status code to be sent to the client. Defaults to 200. content_type: to be sent to the client in respective header. encoding: to be used when sending to the client. """ self.response.set_status(status) self.response.headers[b'Content-Type'] = str(content_type) if isinstance(text, unicode): text = text.encode(encoding) self.response.out.write(text) self.response.out.write('\n')
# to be overwritten / extended
[docs] def build_context(self, values): """Helper to provide additional request-specific values to HTML Templates. Will be called on all Parents and MixIns, no `super()` needed. def build_context(self, values): myvalues = dict(navsection='kunden', ...) myvalues.update(values) return myvalues """ ret = { 'request': self.request, 'credential': self.credential, 'gaetk_logout_url': '/gaetk2/auth/logout', 'gaetk_path': self.request.path, 'is_staff': self.is_staff(), 'is_sysadmin': self.is_sysadmin(), } ret.update(values) return ret
[docs] def _add_jinja2env_globals(self, env): """Helper to provide additional Globals to Jinja2 Environment. This should be considered one time initialisation. Example:: env.globals['bottommenuurl'] = '/admin/' env.globals['bottommenuaddon'] = '<i class="fa fa-area-chart"></i> Admin' env.globals['profiler_includes'] = gae_mini_profiler.templatetags.profiler_includes """ if not gaetkconfig.APP_NAME: gaetkconfig.APP_NAME = get_application_id().capitalize() env.globals.update( dict( gaetk_production=is_production(), gaetk_development=is_development(), gaetk_release=get_release(), gaetk_app_name=gaetkconfig.APP_NAME, gaetk_sentry_dsn=gaetkconfig.SENTRY_PUBLIC_DSN, gaetk_gae_version=os.environ.get('CURRENT_VERSION_ID', 'dev'), ) ) return env
[docs] def debug(self, message, *args): """Detailed logging for development. This logging will only happen, if :class:`WSGIApplication` was initialized with ``debug=True``. Is meant for local inspection of the stack during development. Messages are prefixed with the method name from where they are called. """ if curframe = inspect.currentframe() calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2) callfile = calframe[1][1].split('/')[-1] callfunc = calframe[1][3] message = '{} {}(): {}'.format(callfile, callfunc, message) LOGGER.debug(message, *args)
# filename, lineno, function, code_context, index). # For MixIns:
[docs] def pre_authentication_hook(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): """Might do redirects before even authentication data is loaded. Called on all parent and sibling classes. """ return
[docs] def authentication_preflight_hook(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): """Might load Authentication data from Headers. Called on all parent and sibling classes. """ return
[docs] def authentication_hook(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): """Might verify Authentication data. Called on all parent and sibling classes. """ return
[docs] def authorisation_hook(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): """Might check if authenticated user is authorized. Called on all parent and sibling classes. """ return
[docs] def method_preperation_hook(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): """Is Called just before GEP, POST, PUT, DELETE etc. is called. Used to provide common data in child classes. E.g. to set up variables, load Date etc. """ return
[docs] def response_overwrite(self, response, method, *args, **kwargs): """Function to transform response. To be overwritten.""" if hasattr(self, 'response_overwrite_overwrite'): # hack for JsonMixin return self.response_overwrite_overwrite(response, method, *args, **kwargs) return response
[docs] def finished_hook(self, method, *args, **kwargs): """To be called at the end of an request."""
[docs] def finished_overwrite(self, response, method, *args, **kwargs): """Function to allow logging etc. To be overwritten."""
# not called when exceptions are raised
[docs] def clear_session(self): """Terminate the session reliably."""'clearing session') self.session['uid'] = None if self.session and self.session.is_active(): self.session.terminate() self.session.regenerate_id()
# internal stuff
[docs] def get_jinja2env(self): """Initialise and return a jinja2 Environment instance.""" global _jinja_env_cache if not _jinja_env_cache: env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(gaetkconfig.TEMPLATE_DIRS), auto_reload=False, # unneeded on App Engine production trim_blocks=True, # first newline after a block is removed # lstrip_blocks=True, bytecode_cache=jinja2.MemcachedBytecodeCache(memcache, timeout=3600), # This needs jinja2 > Version 2.8 autoescape=jinja2.select_autoescape(['html', 'xml']), ) env.exception_handler = self._jinja2_exception_handler jinja_filters.register_custom_filters(env) env.policies['json.dumps_function'] = hujson2.htmlsafe_json_dumps env = self._add_jinja2env_globals(env) _jinja_env_cache = env return _jinja_env_cache
# internal stuff
[docs] def _jinja2_exception_handler(self, traceback): """Is called during Jinja2 Exception processing to provide logging.""" global _jinja_env_cache # see # see # here we still get the correct traceback information, it will be discarded later on'Template globals = %r', getattr(_jinja_env_cache, 'globals', None)) LOGGER.exception('Template Exception %r', traceback.render_as_text()) # this logs the correct exception to Sentry # but results in a duplocate incorrect one. sentry_client.captureException(exc_info=traceback.exc_info) self._last_template_exception = traceback.exc_info[1]
[docs] def _render_to_fd(self, values, template_name, fd): """Sends the rendered content of a Jinja2 Template to Output. Per default the template is provided with output of ``build_context(values)``. """ env = self.get_jinja2env() try: template = env.get_template(template_name) except jinja2.TemplateNotFound: # better error reporting - we want to see the name of the base template raise jinja2.TemplateNotFound(template_name) except (jinja2.TemplateAssertionError, jinja2.TemplateRuntimeError): # better logging LOGGER.debug('values=%r', values) LOGGER.debug('env.globals=%r', env.globals.keys()) LOGGER.debug('env.filters=%r', env.filters.keys()) if self._last_template_exception: # at his point the treceback is damaged # but we send it earlier on to Sentry. self._last_template_exception._hide_from_sentry = True raise self._last_template_exception raise # to collect template variables from all Parent-Classes and MisIns. # this keeps parents from having all to implement the function and # use `super()` values = self._reduce_all_inherited('build_context', values) # for debugging provide access to all variables if `_gaetk_dump` is # given in the URL if self.is_sysadmin() and self.request.get('_gaetk_dump'): self.body = '' self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' fd.write( hujson2.htmlsafe_json_dumps( { 'gaetk_globalcontext_json': env.globals, 'gaetk_localcontext_json': values, } ) ) return None try:, encoding='utf-8') # we do not want to rely on webob.Response magically transforming unicode except jinja2.TemplateNotFound: # can happen for includes etc. # better error reporting # TODO:'jinja2 environment: %s', vars(env))'template dirs: %s', gaetkconfig.TEMPLATE_DIRS) raise
# TODO: warn about undeclared variables # # from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, meta # env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('gummi', 'templates')) # template_source = env.loader.get_source(env, 'page_content.html')[0] # parsed_content = env.parse(template_source) # meta.find_undeclared_variables(parsed_content)
[docs] def _set_cache_headers(self, caching_time=None): """Set Cache Headers. Parameters: caching_time (None or int): the number of seconds, the result should be cachetd at frontend caches. ``None`` means no Caching-Headers. See also :any:`default_cachingtime`. `0` or negative Values generate an comand to disable all caching. """ ct = self.default_cachingtime if caching_time is not None: ct = caching_time if ct is not None: if ct > 0: self.response.headers[b'Cache-Control'] = b'max-age=%d public' % ct elif ct <= 0: self.response.headers[b'Cache-Control'] = b'no-cache public'
[docs] def _call_all_inherited(self, funcname, *args, **kwargs): """In all SuperClasses call `funcname` - if it exists.""" # We don't want to burden all mixins with implementing # the required methods and calling `super().meth()` # so we don't use a call chain provided by the # Parents and MixIns but instead work through them as a list. # it also reverses the call order self._debug_callstack = [] # This code is based in ideas from Guido van Rossum, see # for cls in reversed(self.__class__.__mro__): if funcname in cls.__dict__: x = cls.__dict__[funcname] if hasattr(x, '__get__'): x = x.__get__(self) if callable(x): self._debug_callstack.append(x) LOGGER.debug( 'calling %s.%s(*%r, **%r)', cls, funcname, args, kwargs ) try: x(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError as e: e.message = '{} while calling {}.{}(*{!r}, **{!r})'.format( str(e), cls, funcname, args, kwargs ) LOGGER.exception( 'failure calling %s.%s(*%r, **%r)', cls, funcname, args, kwargs, ) raise e except BaseException as e: if not isinstance(e, exc.HTTPException): LOGGER.exception( 'failure calling %s.%s(*%r, **%r)', cls, funcname, args, kwargs, ) raise else: LOGGER.warn('not clallable: %r', x)
[docs] def _reduce_all_inherited(self, funcname, initial): """In all SuperClasses call `funcname` with the output of the previus call.""" # We don't want to burden all mixins with mplementing # the required methods and calling `super().meth()` # so we don't use a call chaon provided by the # Parents and MixIns but instead work through them as a list. # it also reverses the call order ret = initial # This code is based in ideas from Guido van Rossum, see # for cls in reversed(self.__class__.__mro__): if funcname in cls.__dict__: x = cls.__dict__[funcname] if hasattr(x, '__get__'): x = x.__get__(self) if callable(x): LOGGER.debug('reducing %s.%s(%r)', cls, funcname, ret) try: ret = x(ret) except: LOGGER.debug('error reducing %s.%s(%r)', cls, funcname, ret) raise else: LOGGER.warn('not callable: %r', x) if ret is None: raise RuntimeError( '{}.{} did not provide a return value'.format(cls, funcname) ) return ret
[docs] def dispatch(self): """Dispatches the requested method fom the WSGI App. Meant for internal use by the stack. """ request = self.request method_name = request.route.handler_method if not method_name: method_name = webapp2._normalize_handler_method(request.method) method = getattr(self, method_name, None) if hasattr(self, '__class__'): sentry_client.tags_context( {'handler': self.__class__.__name__, 'method': method_name} ) if method is None: # 405 Method Not Allowed. valid = b', '.join(webapp2._get_handler_methods(self)) raise exc.HTTP405_HTTPMethodNotAllowed( 'Method not allowed in {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__), headers=[(b'Allow', valid)], ) # The handler only receives *args if no named variables are set. args, kwargs = request.route_args, request.route_kwargs if kwargs: args = () # bind session on dispatch (not in __init__) try: self.session = gaesessions.get_current_session() except AttributeError: # probably session middleware not loaded self.session = {} if str(self.session) != 'uninitialized session': sentry_client.note( 'storage', 'Session loaded', data=dict(session=self.session) ) try: self._call_all_inherited( 'pre_authentication_hook', method_name, *args, **kwargs ) self._call_all_inherited( 'authentication_preflight_hook', method_name, *args, **kwargs ) self._call_all_inherited( 'authentication_hook', method_name, *args, **kwargs ) self._call_all_inherited('authorisation_hook', method_name, *args, **kwargs) self._call_all_inherited( 'method_preperation_hook', method_name, *args, **kwargs ) try: response = method(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: # parameter missmatch is the error we see most often # so help to pin down where it happens klass = introspection.get_class_that_defined_method(method) methname = method.__name__ sourcepos = '{}:{}'.format( os.path.basename(method.__func__.__code__.co_filename), method.__func__.__code__.co_firstlineno, ) LOGGER.debug( 'method called: %s.%s(%r) from %s', klass.__name__, methname, (args, kwargs), sourcepos, ) LOGGER.debug('defined at: %s %s', klass, sourcepos) raise response = self.response_overwrite(response, method, *args, **kwargs) except exc.HTTPException as e: # for HTTP exceptions execute `finished_hooks` if e.code < 500: self._call_all_inherited('finished_hook', method_name, *args, **kwargs) return self.handle_exception(e, except BaseException as e: return self.handle_exception(e, if response and not getattr(self, '_gaetk2_allow_strange_responses', False): assert isinstance(response, webapp2.Response) self._set_cache_headers() self._call_all_inherited('finished_hook', method_name, *args, **kwargs) self.finished_overwrite(response, method, *args, **kwargs) return response
[docs] def handle_exception(self, exception, debug): """Called if this handler throws an exception during execution. The default behavior is to re-raise the exception to be handled by :meth:`WSGIApplication.handle_exception`. Parameters: exception: The exception that was thrown. debug_mode: True if the web application is running in debug mode. Returns: response to be sent to the client. """ raise
[docs]class JsonBasicHandler(BasicHandler): """Handler which is specialized for returning JSON. Excepts the method to return * dict(), e.g. `{'foo': bar}` Dict is converted to JSON. `status` is used as HTTP status code. `cachingtime` is used to generate a `Cache-Control` header. If `cachingtime is None`, no header is generated. `cachingtime` defaults to 60 seconds. """ # Our default caching is 60s default_cachingtime = 60
[docs] def serialize(self, content): """convert content to JSON.""" warnings.warn( 'use `class Handler(BasicHandler, JsonMixin)`', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return hujson2.dumps(content)
[docs] def response_overwrite(self, response, method, *args, **kwargs): """Function to transform response. To be overwritten.""" # do serialisation bef ore generating Content-Type Header so Errors will display nicely content = self.serialize(response) + '\n' # If we have gotten a `callback` parameter, we expect that this is a # [JSONP]( can and therefore add the padding if self.request.get('callback', None): response = '{} ({})'.format(self.request.get('callback', None), response) self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/javascript' else: self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return webapp2.Response(content)