- access App Engine taskqueues

This are convinience functions to work with App Engine taskqueues. Also defer() provides much better error reporting See Error Handling Guide.

Module contents

gaetk2.taskqueue.taskqueue_add_multi(qname, url, paramlist, **kwargs)[source]

Adds more than one Task to the same Taskqueue/URL.

This helps to save API-Calls. Usage pattern:

tasks = []
for kdnnr in kunden.get_changed():
taskqueue_add_multi('softmq', '/some/path', tasks)
gaetk2.taskqueue.taskqueue_add_multi_payload(name, url, payloadlist, **kwargs)[source]

like taskqueue_add_multi() but transmit a json encoded payload instead a query parameter.

In the Task handler you can get the data via zdata = json.loads(self.request.body). See

gaetk2.taskqueue.defer(obj, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Defers a callable for execution later.

like but adds the function name to the url for easier debugging.

Add this to app.yaml:

# needed to allow abritary postfixes and better error handling - url: /_ah/queue/deferred(.*)

script: gaetk2.views.default.application login: admin