Source code for gaetk2.jinja_filters

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
jinja_filters - custom jinja2 filters for gaetk2.

Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2018 Maximillian Dornseif. MIT Licensed.
import decimal
import json
import logging
import re
import urllib
import warnings

import jinja2
from jinja2.utils import Markup

import markdown2

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Access Control

[docs]@jinja2.contextfilter def authorize(context, value, permission_types): """Display content only if the current logged in user has a specific permission.""" if not isinstance(permission_types, list): permission_types = [permission_types] # Permissions disabled -> granted granted = context.get('request').get('_gaetk_disable_permissions', False) for permission in permission_types: if context.get('credential') and permission in context.get('credential').permissions: granted = True break if granted: value = '<span class="restricted">%s</span>' % (value) else: value = u'…<!-- Berechtigung %s -->' % (', '.join(permission_types)) if not context.get('credential'):'context has no credential!') if context.eval_ctx.autoescape: return Markup(value) return value
BLOCKTAGS = """address article aside blockquote canvas div dl fieldset figcaption figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 header hgroup hr li main nav noscript ol output p pre section table tfoot ul video""".split() NOTAGS = """dd dt thead tfoot tbody tr td""".split()
[docs]@jinja2.contextfilter def onlystaff(ctx, value, tag=None): """Display content only if the current logged in user `is_staff()`. This tag generatyes HTML. If you don't wan't HTML use this construct:: {% if is_staff() %}Internal Info{% endif %} The Tag encloses content in a ``<span>`` or ``<div>`` depending on it's contents:: {{ "bla"|onlystaff }} <!-- is rendered to: --> <span class="gaetk_onlystaff">bla</span> {% filter onlystaff %} <form ...></form> {% endfilter %} <!-- is rendered to: --> <div class="gaetk_onlystaff"> <form ...></form> </div> {% filter onlystaff %} <i>test text</i> {% endfilter %} <!-- is rendered to: --> <span class="gaetk_onlystaff"><i>test text</i></span> If you not happy with how the filter chooses between ``<span>`` and ``<div>`` you can provide a tag to be used. Or you can provide empty data to avoid all markup:: {% filter onlystaff('p') %} <i>test text</i> {% endfilter %} <!-- is rendered to: --> <p class="gaetk_onlystaff">bla</p> {% filter onlystaff('') %} foo {% endfilter %} <!-- is rendered to: --> foo Automatic detection does not work perfectly within tables. Your milage may vary. If the user is not staff an empty tag is generated:: {% filter onlystaff %} supersecret {% endfilter %} <!-- is rendered to: --> <span class="gaetk_onlystaff-denied"><!-- !is_staff() --></span> {% filter onlystaff('') %} supersecret {% endfilter %} <!-- is rendered to: (nothing) --> """ if tag is None: tag = u'span' m ='$\s*<(%s)' % '|'.join(NOTAGS), value) if m: tag = u'' else: m ='<(%s)' % '|'.join(BLOCKTAGS), value) if m: tag = u'div' granted = False if ctx.get('credential') and ctx.get('credential').staff: granted = True if granted: if not tag: return value value = u'<{tag} class="gaetk_onlystaff">{value}</{tag}>'.format( tag=tag, value=jinja2.escape(value)) else: if not ctx.get('credential'):'context has no credential!') if not tag: return u'' value = u'<{tag} class="gaetk_onlystaff-denied"><!-- !is_staff() --></{tag}>'.format( tag=tag) return Markup(value)
# Encoding def _attrencode(value): """Makes a string valid as an XML attribute value. Includes the quotation marks. Eg:: {{ "jim's garage"|attrencode }} >>> '"jim\' garage"' `xmlattr <>`_ in jinja2 is a more sophisticated version of this. """ warnings.warn("`attrencode` is deprecated, use `xmlattr`", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) import xml.sax.saxutils if value is None: return u'' if hasattr(value, 'unescape'): # jinja2 Markup value = value.unescape() return xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr(value)[1:-1]
[docs]def cssencode(value): """Makes a string valid as an CSS class name. This ensured only valid characters are used and the class name starts with an character. This is enforced by prefixing `CSS` if the string does not start with an character:: <div class="{{ 5711|cssencode }} {{ 'root beer'|cssencode }}"> >>> '<div class="CSS5711 root-beer">' """ if value is None: return u'' ret = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9-_]+', '-', unicode(value)) if ret.startswith(tuple('-0123456789')): ret = 'CSS' + ret return ret
def _to_json(value): """Convert the given Value to JSON. Very helpful to use in Javascript. Similar to `tojson <>`_, but we try to be smarter about encoding of datastore properties. """ warnings.warn("`to_json` is deprecated, use `tojson`", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return json.dumps(value) # Date-Formatting
[docs]def dateformat(value, formatstring='%Y-%m-%d', nonchar=u''): """Formates a date. Tries to convert the given ``value`` to a ``date`` object and then formats it according to ``formatstring``:: {{|dateformat }} {{ "20171224"|dateformat('%Y-%W') }} """ from huTools.calendar.formats import convert_to_date if not value: return nonchar return Markup(convert_to_date(value).strftime(formatstring).replace('-', '&#8209;'))
[docs]def datetimeformat(value, formatstring='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', nonchar=u''): """Formates a datetime. Tries to convert the given ``value`` to a ``datetime`` object and then formats it according to ``formatstring``:: {{|datetimeformat }} {{ "20171224T235959"|datetimeformat('%H:%M') }} """ from huTools.calendar.formats import convert_to_datetime if not value: return nonchar return Markup(convert_to_datetime(value).strftime(formatstring).replace('-', '&#8209;'))
def _datetime(value, formatstring='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'): """Legacy function, to be removed.""" warnings.warn("`datetime` is deprecated, use `datetimeformat`", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return datetimeformat(value, formatstring='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
[docs]def tertial(value, nonchar=u'␀'): """Change a Date oder Datetime-Objekt into a Tertial-String. Tertials are third-years as opposed to quater years:: {{ "20170101"|tertial }} {{ "20170606"|tertial }} {{ "20171224"|tertial }} >>> "2017-A" "2017-B" "2017-C" """ from huTools.calendar.formats import tertial if not value: return nonchar return tertial(value)
# Number-Formating
[docs]def nicenum(value, spacer=u'\u202F', nonchar=u'␀'): """Format the given number with spacer as delimiter, e.g. `1 234 456`. Default spacer is NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE U+202F. Probably `style="white-space:nowrap; word-spacing:0.5em;"` would be an CSS based alternative. """ if value is None: return nonchar rev_value = (u"%d" % int(value))[::-1] return spacer.join(reversed([rev_value[i:i + 3][::-1] for i in range(0, len(rev_value), 3)]))
[docs]def intword(value, nonchar=u'␀'): """Converts a large integer to a friendly text representation. Works best for numbers over 1 million. For example, 1000000 becomes '1.0 Mio', 1200000 becomes '1.2 Mio' and '1200000000' becomes '1200 Mio'. """ return _formatint(value, nonchar)
def _formatint(value, nonchar=u'␀'): """Format an Integer nicely with spacing.""" # Inspired by Django # if value is None: return nonchar value = int(value) if abs(value) < 1000000: rev_value = (u"%d" % int(value))[::-1] return u' '.join(reversed([rev_value[i:i + 3][::-1] for i in range(0, len(rev_value), 3)])) else: new_value = value / 1000000.0 return '%(value).1f Mio' % {'value': new_value} return value
[docs]def eurocent(value, spacer=u'\u202F', decimalplaces=2, nonchar=u'␀'): """Format the given cents as Euro with spacer as delimiter, e.g. '1 234 456.23'. Obviously works also with US$ and other 100-based. currencies. This is like :func:nicenum. Use ``decimalplaces=0`` to cut of cents, but even better use :func:euroword. Default spacer is NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE U+202F. Probably `style="white-space:nowrap; word-spacing:0.5em;"` would be an CSS based alternative. """ if value is None: return nonchar tmp = str(int(value) / decimal.Decimal(100)) # Cent anhängen if '.' not in tmp: tmp += '.' euro_value, cent_value = tmp.split('.') cent_value = cent_value.ljust(decimalplaces, '0')[:decimalplaces] rev_value = euro_value[::-1] euro_value = spacer.join(reversed([rev_value[i:i + 3][::-1] for i in range(0, len(rev_value), 3)])) return u'%s.%s' % (euro_value, cent_value)
[docs]def euroword(value, plain=False, nonchar=u'␀'): """Fomat Cents as pretty Euros.""" if value is None: return nonchar return _formatint(value / 100)
[docs]def g2kg(value, spacer=u'\u202F', nonchar=u'␀'): """Wandelt meist g in kg um, aber auch in andere Einheiten.""" if value is None: return nonchar if not value: return value elif value < 100: return u"{:d}{}g".format(value, spacer) elif value < 1000 * 50: return u"{:.2f}{}kg".format(value / 1000.0, spacer) elif value < 1000 * 1000: return u"{:.1f}{}kg".format(value / 1000.0, spacer) else: return u"{:.1f}{}t".format(value / 1000.0 ** 2, spacer)
[docs]def percent(value, nonchar=u'␀'): """Fomat Percent and handle None.""" if value is None: return nonchar return '%.0f' % float(value)
[docs]def iban(value, spacer=u'\u202F', nonchar=u'␀'): """Format the given string like an IBAN Account Number. Default spacer is NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE U+202F. Eg:: {{ "DE77123413500000567844"|iban }} DE77 1234 1350 0000 5678 44 """ if not value: return nonchar return spacer.join([value[i:i + 4] for i in range(0, len(value), 4)])
# Text-Formatting
[docs]def markdown(value): """Renders a string as Markdown. Syntax: {{ value|markdown }} We are using `markdown2 <>`_ to do the rendering. """ return Markup(markdown2.markdown(value))
[docs]@jinja2.evalcontextfilter def nl2br(eval_ctx, value): """Newlines in <br/>-Tags konvertieren.""" paragraph_re = re.compile(r'(?:\r\n|\r|\n){2,}') result = u'\n\n'.join(u'<p>%s</p>' % paragraph.replace('\n', '<br>\n') for paragraph in paragraph_re.split(value)) if eval_ctx.autoescape: return Markup(result) return result
[docs]def left_justify(value, width): """Prefix the given string with spaces until it is width characters long.""" return unicode(value or '').ljust(int(width))
[docs]def right_justify(value, width): """Postfix the given string with spaces until it is width characters long.""" stripped = unicode(value or '')[0:width] return stripped.rjust(int(width))
# Boolean-Formatting (and None)
[docs]def yesno(value, answers=u'yes,no,maybe'): """Output a text based on Falsyness, Trueyness and ``is None``. Example: ``{{ value|yesno:"yeah,nope,maybe" }}``. """ bits = answers.split(u',') if len(bits) == 3: vyes, vno, vmaybe = bits elif len(bits) == 2: vyes, vno, vmaybe = bits[0], bits[1], bits[1] else: return value if value is None: return vmaybe if value: return vyes return vno
[docs]def onoff(value): """Display Boolean as Font Awesome Icon Icon darstellen. We use Font Awesome `toogle-on <>`_ and `toogle-of <>`_ to indicate state. """ if value: return Markup('<i class="fa fa-toggle-on" aria-hidden="true" style="color:green"></i>') else: return Markup('<i class="fa fa-toggle-off" aria-hidden="true" style="color:gray"></i>')
[docs]def none(value, nonchar=u''): """Converts ``None`` to ``''``. Similar to ``|default('', true)`` in jinja2 but more explicit. """ if value is None: return nonchar return value
# Datastore Protocol
[docs]def otag(obj): """TBD.""" if not getattr(obj, 'url'): return link = obj.url designator = obj.designator style = '' klass = '' # # wir machen ein bischen intelligente Formatierung hier # # TODO: inaktiv und erledigt und storniert unterscheiden # if getattr(obj, 'erledigt', False): # style = '' # klass = 'class="cs_erledigt"' return Markup('<a href="{}" {} {}>{}</a>'.format( link, style, klass, jinja2.escape(designator)))
# Misc
[docs]def plural(value, singular_str, plural_str): """Return value with singular or plural form. ``{{ l|length|plural('Items', 'Items') }}`` """ if not isinstance(value, (int, long)): return singular_str if value == 1: return singular_str return plural_str
def _datastore_query(entity, attr): """Generate URL for Google Datastore Query.""" value = getattr(entity, attr, '') query = { # TODO: auch INT? auch andere Vergleichsoperatoren? 'filter': '{}/{}|STR|EQ|{}/{}'.format( len(attr), attr, len(value), value), 'kind': entity._get_kind()} return '' + urllib.urlencode(query) #
[docs]def register_custom_filters(jinjaenv): """Register the filters to the given Jinja environment.""" jinjaenv.filters['authorize'] = authorize jinjaenv.filters['onlystaff'] = onlystaff jinjaenv.filters['attrencode'] = _attrencode jinjaenv.filters['cssencode'] = cssencode jinjaenv.filters['to_json'] = _to_json jinjaenv.filters['dateformat'] = dateformat jinjaenv.filters['datetimeformat'] = datetimeformat jinjaenv.filters['datetime'] = _datetime jinjaenv.filters['tertial'] = tertial jinjaenv.filters['nicenum'] = nicenum jinjaenv.filters['intword'] = intword jinjaenv.filters['eurocent'] = eurocent jinjaenv.filters['euroword'] = euroword jinjaenv.filters['percent'] = percent jinjaenv.filters['g2kg'] = g2kg jinjaenv.filters['iban'] = iban jinjaenv.filters['markdown'] = markdown jinjaenv.filters['nl2br'] = nl2br jinjaenv.filters['ljustify'] = left_justify jinjaenv.filters['rjustify'] = right_justify jinjaenv.filters['yesno'] = yesno jinjaenv.filters['onoff'] = onoff jinjaenv.filters['none'] = none jinjaenv.filters['otag'] = otag jinjaenv.filters['plural'] = plural