Source code for gaetk2.handlers.mixins.paginate

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
gaetk2.handlers.mixins.paginate - Paginate NDB Queries.

Created by Maximillian Dornseif on 2010-10-03.
Copyright (c) 2010-2018 HUDORA. MIT licensed.
import urllib

import jinja2
from google.appengine.datastore.datastore_query import Cursor

[docs]class PaginateMixin(object): """Show data in a paginated fashion. Call :meth:`paginate` in your Request-Method handler. Example: Build a view function like this:: from ..handlers import AuthenticatedHandler from ..handlers.mixins import PaginateMixin class MyView(AuthenticatedHandler, PaginateMixin): def get(self): query = MyModel.query().order('-created_at) template_values = self.paginate(query) self.render(template_values, 'template.html') Your ``template.html`` could look like this:: <ul> {% for obj in object_list %} <li>{{ obj }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> {{ paginator4 }} The ``{{ paginator4 }}`` expression renders a Bootstrap 4 Paginator object. If you dont want that you can add your own links:: {% if prev_objects %} <a href="?{{ prev_qs }}">&larr; Prev</a> {% endif %} {% if more_objects %} <a href="?{{ next_qs }}">Next &rarr;</a> {% endif %} """
[docs] def paginate(self, query, defaultcount=25, datanodename='objects', calctotal=False, formatter=None): """Add NDB-based pagination to Views. Provides a template environment by calling ``self.paginate()``. Parameters: query: a ndb query object defaultcount (int): how many items to display per page datanodename (string): name of template variable to hold the entties calctotal (boolean): do you want to provide the total number of entities formatter: function to transform entities for output. `formatter` is called for each object and can transform it into something suitable. If no `formatter` is given and objects have a `as_dict()` method, this is used for formating. if `calctotal == True` then the total number of matching rows is given as an integer value. This is a ecpensive operation on the AppEngine and results might be capped at 1000. `datanodename` is the key in the returned dict, where the Objects resulting form the query resides. `defaultcount` is the default number of results returned. It can be overwritten with the HTTP-parameter `limit`. We handle the additional query parameters ``start``, ``cursor``, ``cursor_start`` from the HTTP-Request to note what is currently displayed. ``limit`` can be used to overwrite ``defaultcount``. The `start` HTTP-parameter can skip records at the beginning of the result set. If the `cursor` HTTP-parameter is given we assume this is a cursor returned from an earlier query. Returns: A dict like this to be used in the template:: {more_objects=True, prev_objects=True, prev_start=10, next_start=30, limit=10, total=None, objects=[...], cursor='ABCDQWERY', prev_qs='?start=10', next_qs='?start=30&cursor=ABCDQWERY', paginator='<html ...>' } `paginator` is generated by rendering `gaetk_fragments/PaginateMixin.paginator.html` with the other return values. You can overwrite the output by providing your own `gaetk_fragments/PaginateMixin.paginator.html` in your search path. See Also: Note: Somewhat obsoleted by `listviewer`. """ if calctotal: # We count up to maximum of 10000. Counting is a somewhat expensive # operation on AppEngine doing thhis asyncrounously would be smart total = query.count(10000) # has to happen before `_paginate_query()`! clean_qs = dict([(k, self.request.get(k)) for k in self.request.arguments() if k not in ['start', 'cursor', 'cursor_start']]) objects, cursor, start, ret = self._paginate_query(query, defaultcount) ret['total'] = None if calctotal: ret['total'] = total if ret['more_objects']: if cursor: ret['cursor'] = cursor.urlsafe() ret['cursor_start'] = start + ret['limit'] # query string to get to the next page qs = dict(cursor=ret['cursor'], cursor_start=ret['cursor_start']) qs.update(clean_qs) ret['next_qs'] = urllib.urlencode(qs) else: qs = dict(start=ret['next_start']) qs.update(clean_qs) ret['next_qs'] = urllib.urlencode(qs) if ret['prev_objects']: # query string to get to the next previous page qs = dict(start=ret['prev_start']) qs.update(clean_qs) ret['prev_qs'] = urllib.urlencode(qs) if formatter: ret[datanodename] = [formatter(x) for x in objects] else: ret[datanodename] = [] for obj in objects: ret[datanodename].append(obj) ret['paginator4'] = jinja2.Markup(self.get_paginator_template(ret)) return ret
def _paginate_query(self, query, defaultcount): """Help paginate to construct queries.""" start_cursor = self.request.get('cursor', '') limit = self.request.get_range('limit', min_value=1, max_value=1000, default=defaultcount) if start_cursor: objects, cursor, more_objects = _xdb_fetch_page( query, limit, start_cursor=start_cursor) start = self.request.get_range('cursor_start', min_value=0, max_value=10000, default=0) prev_objects = True else: start = self.request.get_range('start', min_value=0, max_value=10000, default=0) objects, cursor, more_objects = _xdb_fetch_page(query, limit, offset=start) prev_objects = start > 0 # TODO: catch google.appengine.api.datastore_errors.BadRequestError # retry without parameters prev_start = max(start - limit - 1, 0) next_start = max(start + len(objects), 0) ret = dict(more_objects=more_objects, prev_objects=prev_objects, prev_start=prev_start, next_start=next_start, limit=limit) return objects, cursor, start, ret def get_paginator_template(self, values): env = self._create_jinja2env() template = env.get_template('gaetk_fragments/PaginateMixin.paginator.html') values = self._reduce_all_inherited('build_context', values) return template.render(values)
def _xdb_fetch_page(query, limit, offset=None, start_cursor=None): """Pagination-ready fetching a some entities. Returns: (objects, cursor, more_objects) """ if start_cursor: if isinstance(start_cursor, basestring): start_cursor = Cursor(urlsafe=start_cursor) return query.fetch_page(limit, start_cursor=start_cursor) else: return query.fetch_page(limit, offset=offset)