Source code for gaetk2.datastore

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
gaetk2.datastore - Helper for ndb datastore usage.

Created by Maximillian Dornseif on 2011-01-07.
Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017 Cyberlogi/HUDORA. All rights reserved.
import warnings

from google.appengine.ext import ndb

class Model(ndb.Model):
    """Generic fields to keep datastore organized."""

    # these fields work only if the user was logges in via google infrastructure
    created_at = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True, indexed=True)
    # `updated_at` is needed for replication
    updated_at = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True, indexed=True)

    # see
    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return ==

    def as_dict(self):
        u"""Gibt eine Repräsentation des Objektes zurück."""
        warnings.warn("`as_dict` is deprecated, use `to_dict)_`", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        return self.to_dict()

class AuditedModel(Model):
    """Fields to add an Audit-Trail to the Datastore."""

    # these fields work only if the user was logges in via google infrastructure
    created_by = ndb.UserProperty(required=False, auto_current_user_add=True, indexed=True)
    updated_by = ndb.UserProperty(required=False, auto_current_user=True, indexed=True)

[docs]def query_iterator(query, limit=50): """Iterates over a datastore query while avoiding timeouts via a cursor. Especially helpful for usage in backend-jobs.""" cursor = None while True: bucket, cursor, more_objects = query.fetch_page(limit, start_cursor=cursor) if not bucket: break for entity in bucket: yield entity if not more_objects: break
[docs]def copy_entity(e, **extra_args): """Copy ndb entity but change values in kwargs. Usage:: b = copy_entity(a, id='new_id_here') b.put() """ # see klass = e.__class__ props = dict(( v._code_name, v.__get__(e, klass)) for v in klass._properties.itervalues() if type(v) is not ndb.ComputedProperty) props.update(extra_args) return klass(**props)
[docs]@ndb.transactional def get_or_insert_if_new(cls, id, **kwds): """Like ndb.get_or_insert()` but returns `(entity, new)`. This allows you to see if something has been created or if there was an already existing entity:: >>> get_or_insert_if_new(Model, 'newid') (<instance>, True) >>> get_or_insert_if_new(Model, 'newid') (<instance>, False) """ # from # See key = ndb.Key(cls, id) ent = key.get() if ent is not None: return (ent, False) # False meaning "not created" ent = cls(**kwds) ent.key = key ent.put() return (ent, True) # True meaning "created"
[docs]def write_on_change2(instance, data): """Apply new data to an entity and write to datastore if anything changed. This should save you money since reads are 3 times cheaper than writes. It also helps you do leave not given attributes unchanged. Usage:: instance = ndb.Model...get() dirty = write_on_change2(instance, ..., dict(id=123, amout_open=500, score=5, ...) """ assert instance dirty = False for key, value in data.iteritems(): if value != getattr(instance, key, None): setattr(instance, key, value) dirty = True if dirty: instance.put() return dirty
[docs]def reload_obj(obj): """Returns a reloaded Entity from disk.""" return obj.key.get(use_cache=False, use_memcache=False)