Source code for gaetk2.application

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
gaetk2.application - WSGI Application for webapp2.

Created by Maximillian Dornseif on 2018-01-11.
Copyright (c) 2018 Maximillian Dornseif. MIT Licensed.
import cgitb
import logging
import os

import google.appengine.api.datastore_errors
import google.appengine.api.urlfetch_errors
import google.appengine.runtime
import google.appengine.runtime.apiproxy_errors
import jinja2
import requests.exceptions
import urllib3.exceptions
import webapp2
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from webapp2 import Route

from gaetk2 import exc
from gaetk2.config import gaetkconfig
from gaetk2.config import is_development
from import sentry_client

__all__ = ['WSGIApplication', 'Route']

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Das fängt leider kein runtime.DeadlineExceededError
[docs]class WSGIApplication(webapp2.WSGIApplication): """Overwrite exception handling. For further information see the paret class at """ @ndb.toplevel def __call__(self, environ, start_response): with self.request_context_class(self, environ) as (request, response): self.setup_logging(request, response) try: try: if request.method not in self.allowed_methods: # 501 Not Implemented. raise exc.HTTP501_NotImplemented() rv = self.router.dispatch(request, response) if rv is not None: response = rv # webapp2 conly catches `Exception` not `BaseException` except BaseException as e: logger.debug( "Exception %r via %s %s %s", e, request.route, request.route_args, request.route_kwargs) # logger.debug('called from %s %s', self.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__module__) try: # Try to handle it with a custom error handler. rv = self.handle_exception(request, response, e) if rv is not None: response = rv except exc.HTTPException as e: # Use the HTTP exception as response. response = e except BaseException as e: # Error wasn't handled so we have nothing else to do. logger.debug('internal_error(%s)', e) response = self._internal_error(e) try: self.fix_unicode_headers(response) return response(environ, start_response) except BaseException as e:'_internal_error') return self._internal_error(e)(environ, start_response) except: logger.critical("uncaught error") raise
[docs] def handle_exception(self, request, response, e): """Handles a uncaught exception occurred in :meth:`__call__`. Uncaught exceptions can be handled by error handlers registered in :attr:`error_handlers`. This is a dictionary that maps HTTP status codes to callables that will handle the corresponding error code. If the exception is not an ``HTTPException``, the status code 500 is used. The error handlers receive (request, response, exception) and can be a callable or a string in dotted notation to be lazily imported. If no error handler is found, the exception is re-raised. Parameters: request: A :class:`Request` instance. response: A :class:`Response` instance. e: The uncaught exception. Returns: The returned value from the error handler. """ if isinstance(e, exc.HTTPException): code = e.code else: code = 500 # WSGIHTTPException come with some further explanations notedata = {} for attr in ['code', 'explanation', 'detail', 'comment', 'headers']: if getattr(e, attr, None): notedata[attr] = getattr(e, attr) if notedata: sentry_client.note('flow', message=u'HTTPException', data=notedata) handler = self.error_handlers.get(code) if handler: logger.debug('using %s', handler) return handler(request, response, e) else: if code >= 500: # Our default handler return self.default_exception_handler(request, response, e) else: # This should be mostly `exc.HTTPException`s < 500 # which will be rendered directly to the client # but if we have a `explanation` we really want to # note that in Sentry: if getattr(e, 'explanation', None): notedata.update(self.get_sentry_addon(request)) # TODO: http-Headers etc are missing sentry_client.captureMessage( 'HTTPException {}: {}'.format(code, e.explanation), level='info', tags={'httpcode': code, 'type': 'Exception'}, extra=notedata) logging.debug("HTTP exception:", exc_info=True) raise
def default_exception_handler(self, request, response, exception): status, level, fingerprint, tags = self.classify_exception(request, exception) # Make sure we have at least some decent infotation in the logfile logger.exception(u'Exception caught for path %s: %s', request.path, exception) response.set_status(status) if not is_development(): event_id = '' if sentry_client: event_id = sentry_client.captureException( level=level, extra=self.get_sentry_addon(request), fingerprint=fingerprint, tags=tags, )"pushing to sentry: %s", event_id) else:"sentry not configured") # render error page for the client # we do not use jinja2 here to avoid an additional error source. with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'templates/error/500.html')) as fileobj: # set sentry_event_id for GetSentry User Feedback template ='utf-8') template = template.replace(u"'{{sentry_event_id}}'", u"'%s'" % event_id) template = template.replace( u"'{{sentry_public_dsn}}'", u"'%s'" % gaetkconfig.SENTRY_PUBLIC_DSN) template = template.replace(u"{{exception_text}}", jinja2.escape(u"%s" % exception)) response.clear() response.out.body = template.encode('utf-8') else: # On development servers display a nice traceback via `cgitb`."not pushing to sentry, cgitb()") response.clear() handler = cgitb.Hook(file=response.out).handle handler()
[docs] def get_sentry_addon(self, request): """This tries to extract additional data from the request for Sentry after an Exception tootk place. Parameters: request: The Request Object Returns: a dict to be sent to sentry as `addon`. """ addon = {} # try to recover session information # current_session = gaesessions.Session(cookie_key=COOKIE_KEY) # addon.update( # login_via=current_session.get('login_via', ''), # login_time=current_session.get('login_time', ''), # uid=current_session.get('uid', ''), # ) # try: # if 'cart' in current_session: # addon['cart'] = vars(current_session['cart']) # except Exception: # logger.warn("error decoding cart from session") return addon
[docs] def classify_exception(self, request, exception): """Based on the exception raised we classify it for logging. We not only return an HTTP Status code and `level`, but also a `fingerprint` and `dict` of `tags` to help snetry group the errors. """ status = 500 level = 'error' fingerprint = None tags = {'uri': request.uri} if isinstance(exception, Warning): level = 'warning' # see if isinstance(exception, google.appengine.runtime.DeadlineExceededError): # raised if the overall request times out, typically after 60 seconds, # or 10 minutes for task queue requests. # only one more second before we are killed - messaging to sentry # therefore does not work very well status = 503 # Service Unavailable level = 'warning' # this propbably can be done smarter # fingerprint = [request.route] tags = {'class': 'timeout', 'subsystem': 'appengine'} if isinstance(exception, google.appengine.runtime.apiproxy_errors.CancelledError): status = 504 # Gateway Time-out level = 'warning' tags = {'class': 'timeout', 'subsystem': 'googlecloud'} if isinstance(exception, google.appengine.runtime.apiproxy_errors.DeadlineExceededError): # raised if an RPC exceeded its deadline. # This is typically 5 seconds, but it is settable for some APIs using the 'deadline' option. status = 504 # Gateway Time-out level = 'warning' tags = {'class': 'timeout', 'subsystem': 'googlecloud'} # Datastore if isinstance(exception, google.appengine.api.datastore_errors.Timeout): status = 504 # Gateway Time-out level = 'warning' tags = {'class': 'timeout', 'subsystem': 'googlecloud', 'api': 'Datastore'} if isinstance(exception, google.appengine.api.datastore_errors.TransactionFailedError): status = 504 # Gateway Time-out level = 'warning' tags = {'subsystem': 'googlecloud', 'api': 'Datastore'} # CloudSQL if isinstance(exception, status = 504 # Gateway Time-out level = 'warning' tags = {'subsystem': 'googlecloud', 'api': 'CloudSQL'} # urlfetch if isinstance(exception, urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError): if 'Connection aborted' in str(exception): status = 504 # Gateway Time-out level = 'warning' tags = {'subsystem': 'urlfetch', 'api': 'urllib3'} if isinstance(exception, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): if 'Connection closed unexpectedly by server' in str(exception): status = 504 # Gateway Time-out level = 'warning' tags = {'subsystem': 'urlfetch', 'api': 'requests'} if isinstance(exception, google.appengine.api.urlfetch_errors.ConnectionClosedError): status = 507 # Insufficient Storage - passt jetzt nicht wie die Faust auf's Auge ... level = 'warning' tags = {'subsystem': 'urlfetch'} if isinstance(exception, google.appengine.api.urlfetch_errors.InternalTransientError): status = 503 # Service Unavailable level = 'warning' tags = {'class': 'transienterror', 'subsystem': 'urlfetch'} if isinstance(exception, google.appengine.api.urlfetch_errors.DeadlineExceededError): # raised if the URLFetch times out. status = 504 # Gateway Time-out level = 'warning' tags = {'class': 'timeout', 'subsystem': 'urlfetch'} if 'HTTPException: Deadline exceeded while waiting for HTTP response' in str(exception): status = 504 # Gateway Time-out level = 'warning' tags = {'class': 'timeout', 'subsystem': 'urlfetch'} if 'ApiTooSlowError' in str(exception): status = 504 # Gateway Time-out level = 'warning' tags = {'class': 'timeout'} if 'dropboxapi' in str(exception): tags['api'] = 'Dropbox' return status, level, fingerprint, tags
[docs] def setup_logging(self, request, response): """Provide sentry early on with information from the context. Called at the beginning of each request. Some information is already set in `` during initialisation.""" # Its not well documented how to structure the data for sentry # env = request.environ sentry_client.user_context({ 'ip_address': env.get('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'email': env.get('USER_EMAIL'), 'id': env.get('USER_ID'), 'username': env.get('USER_NICKNAME', env.get('HTTP_X_APPENGINE_INBOUND_APPID')), # HTTP_X_APPENGINE_CRON true # USER_ORGANIZATION USER_IS_ADMIN }) # see extra = {} for name in 'HTTP_REFERER HTTP_USER_AGENT'.split(): if os.environ.get(name): extra[name] = os.environ.get(name) for name in 'TASKEXECUTIONCOUNT TASKNAME TASKRETRYCOUNT'.split(): fullname = 'HTTP_X_APPENGINE_' + name if os.environ.get(fullname): extra['GAE_' + name] = os.environ.get(fullname) for attr in 'uri app route route_args route_kwargs'.split(): extra[attr] = request.get(attr) sentry_client.extra_context(extra) # server_name: the hostname of the server # os.environ.get('SERVER_NAME', '') # data[:release] = @release if @release # data[:modules] = @modules if @modules # if not data.get('level'): # if not data.get('modules'): # data['release'] = self.release # data['culprit'] = culprit # self.repos = self._format_repos(o.get('repos')) http = { 'url': request.url, # 'query_string': request.query_string, - read by reaven vrom the environment # 'method': request.method, - read by reaven vrom the environment 'cookies': request.cookies, 'headers': request.headers, 'env': request.environ, # data - to slow & risky to read } # see also # sentry_client.http_context(http) # some are set in tags = { # 'git_commit': 'c0deb10c4' } # HTTP_X_CLOUD_TRACE_CONTEXT 301334dd3fca3fe29d8625c3a3a115f7/13580140575625565538;o=1 # REQUEST_ID_HASH 7DB846CB <type 'str'> # REQUEST_LOG_ID 5a5f0ce100ff0c90937db846cb0001737e6412d332d6733343630326234000100 # INSTANCE_ID # SERVER_SOFTWARE # AUTH_DOMAIN # PATH_TRANSLATED SCRIPT_NAME PATH_INFO # HTTP_X_GOOGLE_APPS_METADATA # interesting environment variables - see varnames = 'CURRENT_NAMESPACE INBOUND_APPID QUEUENAME TASKRETRYREASON' for name in varnames.split(): fullname = 'HTTP_X_APPENGINE_' + name if request.environ.get(fullname): tags['GAE_' + name] = os.environ.get(fullname) sentry_client.tags_context(tags)
[docs] def fix_unicode_headers(self, response): """Ensure all Headers are Unicode.""" for name, val in response.headers.items(): response.headers[str(name)] = str(val)